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Coastline City


At The Weist Law Firm, we have been representing public entities, trustees, remarketing agents and underwriters in public financings in California and throughout the United States for over three decades. We have the knowledge, experience and proven record of accomplishment to represent any investment-banking firm involved in underwriting or remarketing a municipal bond or other public financing transaction.

Typical Duties of Underwriter’s Counsel

As underwriter's counsel, we guide and protect the investment banking institution at each critical juncture, including the structuring, purchasing, and reselling of the municipal securities to its retail and institutional clients. Underwriter protection duties can include:


  • Reviewing (and many times, preparing) disclosure statements and agreements, such as the continuing disclosure agreement

  • Preparing and reviewing the bond purchase contract

  • Preparing and reviewing agreements among multiple underwriters

  • Determining the lawfulness of municipal securities offerings

  • Reviewing (and many times, preparing) the official statement or other offering or reoffering memorandum

  • Investigating or reviewing the representations of issuers in disclosure documents

  • Ensuring that the underwriter’s due diligence obligations are met

  • Conducting the final due diligence call/meeting required by the underwriter prior to finalizing the preliminary official statement

  • Preparing due diligence opinions addressed to the underwriter

  • Ensuring regulatory compliance

Representing Underwriter's Interest in the Market

We understand the importance of representing underwriter's interest in the market when working on a transaction and ensuring investors have the most accurate information on the offering. In addition to serving as underwriter’s counsel, our firm represents banks, trustees, credit providers and issuers of bonds and other financial instruments. Our firm maintains strong connections with a variety of professionals in the field including bond insurance providers and rating agencies. Such associations make it easy for us to communicate effectively across the various teams involved in public financings.

Modern Building

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We would love to learn more about how we can help your agency.

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